What are The Advantages of Having All-risk Car Insurance?
What are the advantages of having all-risk car insurance?
There are a number of advantages that you can get if you have all-risk car insurance, including:
Protects the car from the risk of damage or loss
Cost of coverage for servicing or indemnification
Release from third-party legal liability caused by an accident
Cars become safer because of the cost of coverage whose value will continue to increase
What are the benefits of ACA All Risk Car Insurance?
Here are some of the benefits that can be obtained if you have ACA All Risk Car Insurance:
Maximum protection
Widespread network of workshops
Free crane service
Facilities such as replacement cars
Emergency repair services
6-month repair warranty
What all-risk car insurance is covered or covered?
All risk means 'all risk', which means that this policy guarantees light, heavy, and loss damage. The following are the benefits covered by all risk car insurance based on the Indonesian Motor Vehicle Insurance Standard Policy (PSAKBI) report.
All risk car insurance provides compensation or repair costs in the event of a risk of damage caused by:
Collisions, bumps, slips and mired
Evil deeds and theft followed by violence or threats
Fire caused by burning of other objects adjacent to where the vehicle is stored
Fires caused by lightning strikes
Damage due to water used to extinguish fires
Destruction of vehicles by order of the authorities in an effort to prevent fires
Vehicles aboard an accident